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February 17, 2005



I love birthday weeks! Enjoy all of it, there's more to come. Happy Birthday, Julie(aka chocolate girl)



Happy Birthday!!


Ohhh!!!! What a birthday gift! I'm looking forward to the next installment! Happy Birthday :-)


Oh, Maison du Chocolat! Oh, oh, oh! You lucky duckling. That's a good man you've got there. :)

And thank you for the info about Sala Thai. I walk past it a lot because I have a friend who lives in the neighborhood, and because I spend a lot of time at Kitchen Arts & Letters. I'll be interested to see how it stacks up against my favorite Thai place in Astoria (Thai Pavilion on 30th Avenue -- yes, everyone says Ubol's is the best Thai in Astoria, and it's pretty good, but next to Thai Pavilion, Ubol's only wishes).

Happy birthday to you, dear Julie. So has anybody baked you a Latvian birthday cake yet? No? This will not stand! :)


Happy Birthday again, Julie,

May your father be right and may you always look at AL LEAST a year younger than you are.



A belated happy birthday! That little cake looks *amazing*...


Thanks for all the lovely birthday wishes -- stay tuned for further cake and other birthday/culinary reports...

Bakerina...no, I've never had a Latvian Birthday cake (sniff sniff)...how shall this be remedied? ;D


Hi Julie - I enjoy reading your blog, belated happy birthday!


Keiko, thanks so much for your kind wishes and comment. I hope you'll visit often -- now I'm off on a visit to you!

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