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February 21, 2005



I'm really enjoying your Birthday Celebration posts, its good reading about good food and good friends, I love that. I just bought "Feast" and am looking forward to trying some of the recipes soon. From what you have told me about some of her recipes, and from what I've tried out for myself, I am becoming a great fan of Nigella's. Anyway, thanks for sharing your birthday. Cheers!

Joe C

I like the look of Ernie's cake, not to mention the vivid description. I have only one obvious question: Where's mine?


Deb, I hope you'll enjoy Nigella. Some folks need her in order to learn how to cook, serve and enjoy real food. I think that others, those like you and I like to think me, find that her natural cooking style and love of good food simply resonates with what they already know, and adds to their pile of good things to make. I have to say that I hated her on sight when I first saw her in the NY Times a couple of years ago. She was just too, too, well, you know, too. But since then I've become a total convert. Got all the books, and there are dishes that have definitely become part of the ongoing dinner rotation...

Oh brother dear...perhaps there's a piece of chocolate espresso cake with your name on it in my fridge...but first...where's MINE?



My cake on your Cocteau plates, I'm honored.
All teasing aside, it was great to celebrate, looking forward to more adventures in eating !


They are cool plates, though -- thoroughly worthy of your cake. I barely use them coz I'm so afraid of breaking them...

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