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October 10, 2005



It's raining. I'm fasting. Can I have some soup, please? If you could have that delivered to my apartment, at exactly 45 minutes after sundown, all the better. Many thanks.


Actually, Nani, I can't think of a better way to break your fast. I'm going to make another batch this weekend, since there's a cauliflower in the fridge that needs to be souped -- but no deliveries tonight, except for my aged dad, who's getting organic brisket and mushroom gravy, creamy mash and creamed spinach...a comfort-food dinner for Yom Kippur.


Ooh, I made the soup the other day, after you posted your recipe because I love cauliflower. It turned out great. Thanks!


Ahh! Bring me soup on Friday, then. :) I'll love you forever.

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