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November 21, 2005


Jaione Orcolaga

Julie, No te puedo creer que todo este web site es tuyo!!! Es una maravilla. Cuando lo hiciste? Ya me contaras, vale? CONGRATULATIONS!!! Jaione


Hi Julie,

Maple pecan pie, what could be better!
The stuffing and cranberry sauce as well.

I see you're back from all your travels, and cooking right away.

talk to you soon,


Joe C

Giving away all the family secrets, dammit!

Joe C

Just kidding...you're all welcome to plunder our heirlooms (sniffle)...In truth I enthusiastically endorse these recipes, all of which I've tasted many times. If you can make the pumpkin pie the way Julie does, it is fantastic -- the best you'll ever eat. Some of these things I've made or helped make, including the stuffing, and my only quarrel would be that in this instance I think dried sage works better than fresh.

barbara landreth

Julie: I can't believe our Thanksgiving. The potato/leek au gratin, my absolutely favorite sausage stuffing, the organic tasty, moist turkey with your Mother's cranberry sauce, the gravy, the apple crisp, the pumpkin pie, the pecan pie made by Cousin Ellen as per your recipe, the sparkling Vermont Cider and Geoff's work. I just don't know how you do this and keep your day job. As a physician, I also endorse your fine, careful treats but just once a year. So glad we didn't have this year's catered. The 15 of us love you and all your effort. A big hug, Barbara

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