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July 14, 2007



Yum! Just a couple of weeks ago I had collard greens for the first time. This was in a restaurant, so I have yet to cook them. Thanks for sharing your recipe for the best collard greens ever, Julie - your timing couldn't be better!


We met at Danielle's last year. I had no idea that G was black. Reading this story takes me back to the stories my mother - a white Jewish New Yorker, tells me about learning to "cook black" after she married my father - a black man from Philadelphia and who taught whom. My Nana didn't take Mom under her wing until a bit later - but a few of the wives of friends did. We all cherish the memory of my "Aunt" Devita taking my Mom's hand with the hot pepper and saying, "Nah girl, you got to shake that thing in there. Keep going...." until the greens were hot and spicy.

As for me: I adore my greens. My personal favorite is to take my leftover greens, and put them in my leftover chicken soup from Mom, with a few matzoh balls. Keeps all the ancestors happy, and my mouth and belly too!



My mouth was watering when I read your recipe! I love greens! My mother's aunties taught her to make the best greens and it is the dish I always ask for each time I return home to Kansas. You can't really find collard greens in the NL, but I saw some amazing beet greens on the organic market recently and was crazy enough to have left them behind. I guess I'll have to go back and get them now.


Just wanted to let you know that your post is featured on BlogHer today at http://blogher.org/node/22398! Thanks for the inspiration! ~ AK

Miss T

I must try this! Sounds wonderful.


Julie! I've never had collard greens before, but this sounds so good that I will be trolling for some this Saturday at my farmer's market :) If your meat-eating husband likes them that much, maybe mine will too!


Cathy, I hope you enjoy these as much as we do -- let me know!

Nicole, I remember meeting you at Danielle's. Thanks so much for sharing your story, so similar to mine. And one of these days I'm gong to try your fusion soup -- it sounds absolutely perfect!

Mari, I bet this will work with any greens -- give it a whirl and let me know how it works.

Alanna, thanks so much for featuring me at BlogHer -- and I do hope you try the greens!

Miss T, let me know how you like these if you do try them out...

Miriam, it was great to meet you last week. We wives of inveterate carnivores have to figure out how to get the guys to eat their greens. This way definitely worked in our house.


I've only ever made collards with ham hocks -- your recipe sounds like a delicious and slightly healthier way of preparing them! I'll bet it this would be a good way of preparing my beloved broccoli rabe, too...thanks for the inspiration!


Hi, Julie,
a carnivore variation, tho my collard greens can't be made to sound as delicious as yours, is to add sausage bits, removed from their skin and sauteed...my step daughter-in-law's idea. Btw, what's AFIEP...did I miss this?


Sarah, this would definitely work for broccoli rabe -- it's how I do it, except that I use olive oil in that case...

Margaret, sausage bits sound like a fabulous addition. AFIEP is just blog shorthand for A Finger In Every Pie...

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A great man is always willing to be little—R. W. Emerson
It is not enough to be industrious, so are the ants. What are you industrious for?— H. D. Thoreau

 jasmine green tea lover

This is a mouth watering food with a little beat of heat going on. The recipe looks simple and I must try this one out that's for sure. So nice to have found this recipe here. Thanks :)

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